The Response object indicates the success of the request and may contain relevant payload data.

Response Object

FieldData Type


   "message":"Authentication failed."

Error Codes

Error TypeError Message
EThe system is unable to process your transaction at this time
EThis transaction has already been submitted for processing
EValid Referring ID or approved Credit PIN Required
EThis credit has been submitted
EThe original transaction has already been reversed with transaction ID
EThe reversal for transaction has been submitted
EThe database is currently unavailable
ECheck Number Required For {TRANSACTION_TYPE} Transactions
EState Required For POP Transactions
EFailed to accept this transaction
E'{MERCHANT_ID}' is an invalid Merchant ID
E'{ROUTING_NUMBER}' is an invalid Routing Number
E'{ACCOUNT_NUMBER}' is an invalid Account Number
E'{AMOUNT}' is an invalid Amount
ECredits are limited to 50,000,000 USD
ERouting Number '{ROUTING_NUMBER}' was not found
EThis is a duplicate transaction
EDuplicate transaction for this check. Check number: {CHECK_NUMBER}
ECredit amount is over the maximum
EUnable to accept {TRANSACTION_TYPE} transactions for this merchant
EExceeded maximum dollar amount (${AMOUNT_LIMIT}) for this merchant.
EYou have exceeded the allowed max daily num checks for this merchant
EYou have exceeded your allowed max dollar amount for this merchant of
EYou have exceeded the allowed max daily num checks overall
EYou have exceeded your allowed max dollar amount overall of
EYou have exceeded the maximum number of checks for this merchant this period
EYou have exceeded the maximum dollar amount for this merchant this period
EYou have exceeded the maximum number of checks overall this period
EYou have exceeded the maximum dollar amount overall this period
EYou have exceeded your monthly transaction volume
EYou have exceeded your monthly dollar amount cap
EThis transaction brings your monthly dollar amount over the maximum average amount allowed